A Picture Worth a Thousand Unspoken Words

The first time I saw this picture, everything stopped and froze in my soul. I couldn’t take my eyes off of it because to me, without any words, it perfectly describes how our life can continue to grow after the loss of a child. In our case, our 24-year-old son, Hank.

Grief. It’s unpredictable. It’s unique to each of us. It’s powerfully strong. It’s always present. It can be covered up but not buried. You want to shed it, but you need to embrace it. Grief isn’t an enemy. It’s a companion.

As this picture represents, we keep on going and we keep on growing with our grief. We don’t leave it behind. For me, I need it with me. Because my grief is attached to something I love so much. It’s attached to his smile. His laugh. His warm hug. His positive outlook on life. His care for others. His desire to please. His love for flight. His love for his sisters.

This week marks four years since our family’s crash. Each day God helps us carry and embrace our grief as we keep it going! We are not strong nor are we special. We cling to God’s promises and continue to build our strength by standing on His solid foundation.

“My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus’ blood and righteousness;
I dare not trust the sweetest frame,
But wholly lean on Jesus’ name.
On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand;
All other ground is sinking sand.
All other ground is sinking sand.”

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  • Grief and loss affect who we are. You can either be like Jesus or angry and bitter like Satan.

  • Jennie (Morgan) Lathrop says:


    I love these thoughts! I think of Hank with the fondest of memories. Today is the fifth anniversary of my younger sister’s home going and I, my parents, and my siblings have all learned this same truth. Indeed our hope IS built on Jesus Christ and I am so very grateful for the promise of resurrection and eternity with Him! Thank you for sharing your heart.

  • Lea Ann Butler says:

    You words most impactful and true. Thank you.

  • Tanya Sasser says:

    Thank you, Linda, for sharing. Your words are very powerful and touching; they hit the heart with an overwhelming combination of sadness, love, and faith. Our only hope is the Hope, Christ alone. Thank you! Is it okay to share this?


  • Rhonda Harrington says:

    Yes, Linda! THIS!!!!

    Beautifully written in a way that is truthful and encouraging because of the hope we have in The Lord. Thank you for sharing your heart- ❤️ And for “keeping it going” so well-

    In one accord,