Keep it Going!

In an effort to “keep it going,” we will resume blogging on leadership this week, and what better topic to start off with than Keep it Going?!

But what does that mean, keep it going? Keep what going? With our loss still fresh in our world, here are my top 10 leader lessons that are helping me keep it going.

  1. Keep moving forward. While situations and challenges harm the path you originally planned to take, it doesn’t mean you stop.
  2. Consider any movement good progress. When faced with challenges, just keep moving. Don’t try to cure it, fix it, or heal it. These things will someday be the result of your steadiness in keeping it going.
  3. Focus on pulling closer to what you want instead of trying to distance yourself from the hurt or challenge. To do this you need to create something in front of you to pull towards.
  4. Don’t ignore what’s right in front of you. When we focus on the takeaways in life, it blinds us to what has been given to us. Everything in life is a gift. Even pain.
  5. Leaning is ok. Lean on your beliefs, your family, your friends, the Word, your God…
  6. Be aware that the situations we go through in life are designed to chisel and shape us into the person we are supposed to be for the plans we are supposed to carry out. Keep it going and learn how to become stronger so that your calling can be fulfilled!
  7. Make thankfulness an everyday habit.
  8. You control your attitude. Ha, this is so cliché but true. Take a deep breath and think about who you want to make proud. Then smile, and make ‘em proud!
  9. Be grateful for the gifts you are given. Whoever said a gift is something that makes you happy was wrong. Some gifts make you sad, and you would prefer not to receive them. However, every gift transforms into bringing value. Be patient and wait for it.
  10. Act now to be someone worthy of others who’ll want to keep it going! Live your life in a way that inspires others to keep your legacy going after you’re gone.

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  • […] the recent loss of our son, Hank, my family and I are in the process of keeping it going. We are trying to create our “new normal.” Sounds kinda weird because I’ve never viewed […]

  • […] full of activity and then sometimes it’s like this: lonely. To me this represents perseverance to keep it going. No matter my pace I have to keep going. Yes I could walk or even stop, but that doesn’t get me […]

  • Kayla Edwards says:

    I’m so so very sorry. Hank sounds like a tremendous young man. My heart goes out to and your family. Prayers for strength, peace and energy. Kayla Edwards

  • c2 says:

    God bless you and your family and I pray for wisdom/guidance (all your needs) to keep you forward focused


  • Diane Brown says:

    This is good stuff! You always lead especially well in the rough times when the going gets tough! Praying for God to meet the needs of each one in your family. Diane Brown

  • Greg Gleghorn says:

    Thankyou Kevin an Linda for all you have done for our kids you guys blessed them so much an by that you blessed us.The Sasser family an ours go way back to simple an slower times Aka Busboy an more I can’t remember all the CB handles but it was a form of communication we thought was the king of the hill little did we know.It is amazing how we can see into each other’s lives now with all this Facebook stuff just wanted to say Thankyou for allowing us to share in your celebration of a fine young man Hank Sasser his spirit will always be with us an he will continue to touch your lives in ways you could never imagine just want to say God Bless you guys and we look forward to keepin it going Thanks Greg Gleghorn

    • Linda Sasser says:

      Greg, thank you so much for your comments. Your prayers are so appreciated. Let’s help Hank keep it going! 🙂