How to Create a Fear-Based Culture

In the 16th century philosophical piece, The PrinceNiccolò Machiavelli, asserts that it is best for a leader to be both loved and feared, but if you can’t have both, then it’s better to be feared. After all, commitments made in fear are kept out of fear. And in a lot of cases, Machiavelli was probably right. Followers who fear their leader will carefully walk the line. (more…)

Quit worrying about finding the smartest people. Stop searching for the perfect employees – the ones who have it all figured out, can work unsupervised, and demand little time and attention. (more…)

As I noted in 5 Actions for Leading a Virtual Team, the Impacting Leaders team is comprised of mostly virtual employees. I asked my team to think about the actions they deem to be essential to success as a member of a virtual team. Here’s what they had to share: