How to Survive Under a Crappy Boss

I’ve written before on how to handle a difficult (okay, maybe crappy) employee, and while I’m tempted to write on how to handle a crappy president or president elect, I won’t. Ha! Today, I’ve been asked to write about how to survive under a crappy boss. Here are five tips: (more…)

I’ve said before that choosing gratefulness is our organization’s unofficial official theme for 2015. It’s a mindset that my family and I have been intentional about choosing in the aftermath of our loss. But, we shouldn’t wait for a life-altering event to occur before we focus on being grateful.

Gratefulness probably won’t appear on any ranking of “Top leadership traits of successful CEOs” (or COOs, or CFOs, or directors, or managers, or line workers, for that matter). But I’m finding that it is a highly overlooked and undervalued characteristic of successful leaders at every level. (more…)

Gratefulness has become a theme of sorts this year among the organizations I have the opportunity to lead. We are focusing on being grateful for all of our blessings, and we are also learning to be grateful in the midst of the most difficult of circumstances.

In easy times, gratefulness is an effortless feeling. In difficult times, gratefulness is an intentional decision. In every time there is something to be grateful for. (more…)