What’s Love Got to Do With It?

A leader’s love. Sounds a bit mushy, easygoing, vulnerable or weak, doesn’t it? Yet it’s actually a sign of strength and integrity. A leader’s love is a secret power they possess that makes teams and companies great. Leaders who put love on the sidelines don’t fully understand it’s magic and unfortunately miss getting the best from others.

Leaders who are able to lead with a foundational level of love create great momentum within the company. Think about a time when there was positive power and growth in your business. What was the environment like? There was probably a feeling of strength, comradery and energy.

This environment creates a culture that’s almost difficult to describe, but I’ll do my best. (more…)

This week I had the joy of meeting a young leader who has done a great job developing her career. If you’ve followed this blog long then you know I love to learn from other leaders when I get the chance, and there is nothing more inspiring than learning from young leaders.

The company this person works for wasn’t always as successful as it is today. Four years ago it was suffering financially and experiencing the agony of workforce layoffs, yet today it is thriving, with multiple locations, the addition of hundreds of employees, and a future of exciting growth.

When I asked what caused the turnaround she answered, “Leadership.” Seriously, I did not set this up! Ha! The company changed many of their leaders. Isn’t it funny how one team of leaders can send a company spiraling, and yet a different team of competent leaders can send it soaring?

My new friend started explaining how the new leaders changed the culture, and her leader in particular was the best mentor she’d ever had. I love hearing about positive experiences, so out popped my next question. “What three qualities does your leader have that make her such a good leader?” (more…)

This week we celebrate the birth of Jesus, a leader we should all strive to be like. He was loving, firm, and focused. He sacrificed for others, cast vision, believed in his mission, and was passionate about our buy in. He was patient, earned his influence, and led from the heart. He was courageous, inspirational, didn’t give in to temptation, didn’t run from difficulty, didn’t delegate his responsibilities, and took a bullet (a nail) for his team. (more…)

Often times you’ll hear a company owner or leader say of a non-performing, long-time employee, “He’s so loyal. I’m loyal to him, and he’s loyal to me. I’m not going to let him go after all these years.”

Yet, is it really loyalty when the teammate isn’t striving to perform in their current role? (more…)

Have you ever been in a situation where you knew you had to face something difficult in the near future? I’m not talking about an unexpected, tough situation that just sneaks up on you. I’m taking about something you know is approaching. Each day brings that dreaded event closer. And what if this impending situation would include not only excruciating mental pain, but unimaginable physical pain as well? (more…)

Happy Mother’s Day week! I know, I know, I’m early for Mother’s Day. But I wanted this to be a Mother’s Day prep week for us! What better way to subtly remind my kids that Mother’s Day in coming up, soon, like next Sunday, May 8. Ha ha.

I am fortunate to have the best of two worlds with my mom. First, I was able to have her involved in the defining stages of my life, including my teenage years, my college years, when I got married and when I became a mother. Second, I’m blessed to know she is now in heaven. While sad to lose her many years ago to cancer, I grin when I think of her. My memories of her bring me such joy! I also know she can see how I am performing here on earth, so that pressure really motivates me to do well and make her proud. I guess most of us never outgrow that desire to make our parents proud.

So how do we know we’ve done a good job being a mother? Is there a scorecard? (more…)