How to Coach the Undisciplined

In my career, I’ve been blessed to coach to a variety of personalities, strengths and work styles. I’ve learned that in most cases, there is no “right” and “wrong” way to be, and that different roles seem to attract different types of people. For example, sales people are more likely to fly by the seat of their pants and just wing it, especially if selling comes naturally to them. While it’s great that a person can quickly flex, a complete lack of discipline can harm the teammate’s individual performance as well as the team’s overall results. As leaders, we sometimes need to coach our people on those discipline extremes back toward the middle. (more…)

Sometimes I wonder if some leaders truly want to see their people succeed. For example, I see leaders delegate a task to a person on their team or an entire team itself, but instead of providing coaching and support along the way, they watch and criticize in how the individual or team goes about completing the task at hand. (more…)

L ast week we discussed our top 6 picks for performance review mishaps that leaders fall into when giving performance reviews. While leaders are responsible for making the review experience productive, I have seen and personally experienced frustrations with companies who have institutionalized the review process. When this happens the process becomes political and handcuffs the development and honest feedback experience. (more…)