Finding the Light in the Darkness

Do you have an event or accomplishment that has marked you? Marks define us. Marks of accomplishments, development, tragedy and adversity. Today’s guest post is written by my daughter, Jeri Sasser. She is a senior in high school and wrote the following essay in response to a question asked as part of her college admission requirements. I gleaned so much from it that I thought you would too.

Question: Describe an event or accomplishment that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community or family.

My transition from childhood to adulthood within my family occurred recently with the sudden loss of my older brother, Hank Sasser. My brother has been the cornerstone of my family and made me who I am today. His name was my very first word; he was my best friend and my safe haven. Hank was always there for me, regardless of the circumstances. When things in my life became difficult, he would cheer me up with an impromptu visit or a bouquet of flowers with a note reassuring me of how much he loved me. My brother is the reason I grew up. (more…)

One of my favorite aspects about my job is the opportunity I have to coach a variety of leaders who are at very different seasons and stages in their leadership walk. I get to work with experienced leaders at the helm of growing organizations, mid-level leaders influencing 360 degrees, and younger up-and-coming leaders who have great potential for becoming highly effective leaders.

A few weeks ago one of the up-and-comers I coach emailed me with a great question. She asked, “When does personal accountability and feeling personal ownership for getting the job done right move from leadership to being a ball hog?” (more…)