4 Signs Truth Reigns in Your Organization

No matter the industry, leaders everywhere desire a culture of honesty. At the same time, followers crave to work in an environment of trust. Why then is this type of culture such a challenge for so many companies?

I don’t think we take this subject seriously enough. Leaders, we must value truth more than anything else! CAUTION: This is easier said than done. When truth presides in an organization, several benefits will result: (more…)

M y work with leaders inside all sorts of different companies has taught me that regardless of the company’s size or industry or age, most face the same few challenges. One of those common challenges is self-accountability. It’s easy to talk about how we should hold ourselves accountable, but sometimes we’re a bit more reluctant to examine how we can do a better job at being accountable to ourselves. (more…)

This week I attended a webinar hosted by Dan Rockwell (Leadership Freak blogger) as he interviewed Stephen M. R. Covey on the crisis of trust. If you attended this learning event, I think you’ll also agree that it was an excellent webinar, and Covey made some great points about trust and leadership. One, in particular, struck a chord with me as he talked about the importance of vulnerability in regards to leadership and in building trust.

He said, “Vulnerability is influence-ability.” Now, that, my friends, is a powerful statement! And what is leadership, again? Influence! So, vulnerability increases our ability to influence (lead) others. (more…)